The Fringe Eventer!

Introducing The Fringe Eventer! Kelly Jennings joins us to chronicle her return to the great sport of Eventing - with hints on how to save money, lessons learned, and other interesting tidbits that her fellow adult amateur riders can relate to!

The Fringe Eventer

Author of Kick On, a unique novel full of captivating and quirky characters set to a tale of romance, mystery and adventure in Panama.

Recent Entries

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 12: The Holy Grail of Saddle Shopping

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 11

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 10

The Fringe Eventer Blog post # 9: When Life Hands You Lemons....

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 8

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 7

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 6

The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 5

The Fringe Eventer blog post # 4

The Fringe Eventer blog post # 3

The Fringe Eventer blog post # 2

The Fringe Eventer blog post # 1: Introduction!

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