Lisa's Blog post # 10

OK ladies … well, this affects you guys too, so listen up.  It’s time we talk about an issue that affects all of us every summer – except those of you who live in the deep South, in which case you may struggle with this year round.

This is not some secret, personal issue that things like padded riding briefs are supposed to solve.  This is out there, in broad view, for all to notice at first glance!

I’m talking about the dreaded “farmers tan”.  For anyone who wears a short-sleeved shirt or a tank top or, guys - a wife beater (well, hopefully not) or a watch or gloves when you ride in the summer, you have this problem.

I tan easily.  Even though I used a 30, and sometimes 50, SPF last summer I was still accused of taking 10 day vacations to exotic destinations.   The “Where have you been - you’re so brown?!” was my most frequently asked question.  Who knew that I would give Waxhaw, NC such free publicity?

The main problem is not the tan lines on my arms and shoulders.  Though the contrast in color does distract from my overall presentation when the structure of my top and my tan lines don’t match, I think they actually make me look somewhat athletic and wholesome – like I have more important things to do out in the sun than lay there sipping sweet tea!   The worst problem, however, is the chasm that grows ever wider as the summer progresses between the golden brown of my upper body and the stark whiteness of my legs.  I look like 2 different people attached at the waist!

Yesterday, I took my first step in managing that dreaded fashion faux pas and made myself sit out in the sun.  I set my timer and baked on both sides, at 15-minute intervals, for an entire hour.  It nearly killed me.  I don’t think I’ll have the mental discipline, let alone the time, to keep my legs up with my arms!  I would have to spend an hour sunning my legs for every hour I ride – it’s just not going to happen.

I wonder how spray-on tans look?

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