Guest Blog Post # 47: "Cornered!" by Bill Woods


Unless you answer to "Nuno" or "Willi" (where the W is pronounced like a V) when you train, you really need reference points. If your internal gyroscope is so finely tuned that any deviation from perfect balance is immediately detected, disregard everything which follows.

However, if you ride like most mortals, having carefully pre-planned figures which you then execute precisely makes it much easier to notice if the horse tips out or in and needs to be re-balanced or realigned.

If you are trying to do your flat work in a field, take note: I (and many others) can tell you that even if you're used to riding in a space marked with letters or cones, when formal corners are added it's so much easier to keep the horse in an upright balance.

You wouldn't think it would make that much difference, BUT IT DOES! Without them you don't realize what a pass you're giving your horse. With distinct corners that you make yourself ride correctly, you have chance after obvious chance--four times on every circuit--to adjust your horse and remind him of his responsibilities, especially in preparation for the next movement. 

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